Educational Publications

The publications in Xamk Educate can be freely used to support learning and teaching in degree and open education.

The educational resources are also suitable for self-motivated informal learning and workplaces, for example, to support job orientation.

The publications in the Xamk Educate series are independent entities and are not directly related to a specific course.

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Xamkin avoimen oppimateriaalin ohjelma (only in Finnish)

Oppimateriaalit uuden tiedon välittäjänä (Xamk READ 2/2023, only in Finnish)

“Youth is an impulsive, chaotic and emotional time. It is also a time of perceptiveness, sensitivity, criticality and creativity. Youth work can harness that energy and potential.”

Heikki Korhonen ja Mikko Tujula in Koulunuorisotyö.

Anna-Liisa Hännikäinen Uutela and Pekka Penttinen (eds.), 2023.

Xamk Educate Publications