Xamk Develop

The publications in Xamk Develop provide new information that can be applied by professional communities. The publications in this series are also suitable for supporting evidence-based decision-making.

The authors are teachers, RDI staff and other specialists working at Xamk. The publications are usually based on practical cooperation with companies, communities, and educational institutions operating in the area.

“The prevention of oil and chemical spills is facing something new: products that replace fossil fuels and recycled raw materials are becoming more common, which requires taking control of damage prevention of new substances. In order to update prevention expertise, we need information on the hazardous properties of substances, leakage behaviour and collectability.”

Uusimuotoisten polttoaineiden ja nesteiden vuotokäyttäytyminen ja kerättävyys.
Uusiutuvista ja kierrätetyistä raaka-aineista valmistettujen nesteiden ja niiden raaka-aineiden maa- ja vesistövahinkojen torjunta.

Justiina Halonen (eds.), 2023.

Xamk Inspire Publications