Xamk Inspire
Xamk Inspire presents our activities and results to a broad audience.
The series publishes thought-provoking work on a diverse range of topics, often experimental in nature. The series publishes audio and visual works, as well as traditional text-based publications. For example, workbooks, reviews and games have appeared in the series.

“Finland’s employment situation is surprisingly good. However, the flip side of this is the widespread, general shortage of experts. Talent that can be recruited directly is just no longer available. When traditional methods no longer work, new ones have to be sought.”
Etukenossa eteenpäin. Kokeiltuja keinoja, ajattelun aiheita ja rekrytointivinkkejä osaajapulaa ratkoville yrityksille.
Irina Kujanpää (toim.), 2023.